7 Church Street
Twickenham TW1 3NJ
020 8892 2193
Acoustic Friday
Friday 6th September from 6pm until 9pm
This popular event features the musical talent from our gifted membership list plus the occasional guest artist. The group performs in the round with each artist offering a song they love, one after each other. The mood changes according to the song and the performer. It is a lovely listening time in our wonderfully acoustic function room.
The Metro Band
Friday 13th September from 6pm until 9pm
For their first performance at the club we are delighted to welcome this superb local band. Expect to hear music from The Beatles, Queen, Elvis, Eagles, Santana, The Who, Hendrix and many more. Come along to listen or dance your socks off!
'Feel Good Friday'
Friday 27th September from 6pm until 9pm
Jim Guynan and his merry band of musicians and friends invite you to this thoroughly enjoyable evening of music and song. Now a firm fixture in our club's program, the content changes every time, but its popularity bears witness to just how much fun you can enjoy on Friday evenings at The Twickenham Club.
We hope that you can join us for one or all of these free events. Members and their well behaved guests are always welcome.
Best Wishes
Twickenham Club
Our Club
Twickenham Club is a Private Members' Club run by a committee of members. Founded in 1865 it moved to its current location in Church Street in the summer of 1898. The Club has two Bars serving a range of Beers, Wines, Spirits and Real Ales.
A Lounge / Function Room is available for private hire for parties and meetings.
We are now looking for
new members
The policy we have for choosing our new members is by getting to know people in the club environment before they apply.
You have to be over eighteen to become a member. If you know someone who is a member of the club get them to bring you along a few times. When you are known you will need to be proposed by two members and approved by the committee. You do this first by emailing us on twickenhamclub@gmail.com for the relevant form, or you can download the form here.
Our Function room has a
busy programme
The U3A uses our room for its Spanish lessons on Mondays. Hopefully they can think of many other uses in the future!
Presidents Night
We hope to renew our Presidents Night celebration this December.